Microfilm Catalogue

Ethnic Press

In This Section:

Bulgarian   Danish   finnish   german   hungarian   italian   lithuanian   maltese   norwegian   polish   russian   serbian   slovak   syrian-lebanese  Ukrainian



Novo Vreme/New Time
v. 1-16; Aug. 1, 1941-Apr.? 1957.
"The only Bulgarian and Macedonian paper in Canada."
In Bulgarian and English.
Continues Edinstvo. Continued by Makedonski Glas.
On microfilm: [Mar. 20, 1942-Apr. 19, 1957]

MICROFILM 8 reels  $1964.00



Danske Herold/Danish Herald of Canada
v. 1-6; Mar. 15, 1932-Dec. 28, 1937//
Kentville, N.S., weekly.
In Danish. Microfilmed from original issues in the Udvandrerarkivet, Aalborg, Denmark.

MICROFILM 2 reels  $466.00



Canadian Uutiset
v. 1- Nov. 11, 1915-
Port Arthur, Ont., weekly.
The longest history of continuous publication of any Finnish Canadian newspaper.
Publication suspended Oct. 17-Nov. 28, 1918 under Order-in-Council.
English translation appears in columns adjoining Finnish text, Dec. 5, 1918-Apr. 10, 1919, with the following notice on masthead: "This publication is licensed by the Secretary of State under the Order respecting Enemy Publications."
On microfilm: Jan. 3, 1918-Dec. 29, 1927 (many issues from 1923-27 have damaged or missing pages).

MICROFILM 10 reels  $2430.00

v. 1-57; 1917-June 26, 1974//
Sudbury, Ont.
"Canadan suomalaisen työväestön ääenkannattaja" [organ of Finnish workers in Canada].
Merged with Liekki to form Viikkosanomat.

MICROFILM:1958-74 17 reels  $3111.00

v. 1-38; Dec.7, 1935-June 29, 1974//
Sudbury, Ont.
"Canadan Suomalaisten Kaunokirjallinen Viikkolehti" [Finnish-Canadian Literary Weekly].
Merged with Vapaus to form Viikkosanomat.
On film: v. 22-38; 1958-74//)

MICROFILM 17 reels $4111.00



Canada Kalender
Berlin, Ont., Rittinger & Motz. Annual.
In German. Complete but for 1883, 1887, 1895, 1901 and 1905.
Microfilmed from original issues in the archives of the Waterloo Historical Society.

MICROFICHE 52 sheets  $1388.00

 Deutsche Arbeiter Zeitung
v. 1, no. 5-v. 8, no.222; Oct. 1930-July 14, 1937//?
"Organ der deutschen arbeiter und farmer in Kanada."

MICROFILM 2 reels  $466.00

Deutsche Kanadische Volkszeitung
v. 8, no. ll, Oct. 2, 1937; v. 8, no. 16-22, Nov. 6-Dec. 25, 1937//
Toronto, weekly.
"Das blatt für die Deutsch-Kanadische familie. . .unabhängig, progressiv, actuell."
Absorbed by Deutschen volksecho, New York.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $243.00



Új Szó
Jan. 13, 1968-Apr. 1984//
Toronto, weekly.
Continues Kanadai Magyar munkás, 1929-67, the main organ of the Hungarian left in Canada.

MICROFILM 12 reels  $1896.00

Új Magyar Hirlap
v. 1-2, no. 20/21; Mar. 13, 1953-June 12, 1954//?
Montréal, weekly.
"New Hungarian journal. . .Nouveau journal hongrois."

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

Egységes Magyarság/United Hungarians
v. 1-3, no. 26; Oct. 9, 1959-July 1, 1961//
Niagara Falls, Ont.
"Niagara Falls, Welland, Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo."
Strongly anti-Communist Hungarian-language paper.

MICROFILM 2 reels  $466.00



Il Lavoratore
v. 1-3, no. 14; Mar. 19, 1936-Sept. 17, 1938//
Toronto, semimonthly.
"Organo di rivendicazioni dei lavoratori italiani del Canada."

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00


La Voce degli Italo-Canadese
v. 1-2, no. 11; Oct. 1, 1938-Apr. 30, 1940//
Toronto, weekly.
"Giornale di opinione e di educazione popolari."

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00


La Vittoria/The Victory
v. 1-2, no. 20; Apr. 18, 1942-Oct. 16, 1943//
Toronto, weekly.
"Rassegna settimanale di pensiero e di azione."
Some text in English.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00


Il Giornale di Toronto
v. 1-13; Feb. 10, 1967-Oct. 1979//?
Toronto, weekly.
"Il settimanale per tutta la famiglia."
In Italian and English.

MICROFILM 13 reels  $3179.00



Darbininku Zodis/The Worker's Word
v. 1-5; Sept.?1932-Dec. 31, 1936//
"The only Lithuanian weekly in Canada."
In Lithuanian. Continued by Liaudies Balsas.
On microfilm: Oct. 1932; [Oct. 18, 1934-Nov. 19, 1936].

MICROFILM 2 reels  $466.00



The Maltese Journal
v. 1-12, no. 11; June 1935-Nov. 1946//
New York, monthly.
An important source for the study of Maltese emigration to the U.S. and Canada. In English.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00



v. 1-6; Mar. 12, 1910-Nov. 11, 1915
Winnipeg; Vancouver.
Supplements microfilm [Nov. 18, 1915-1964] prepared by Provincial Library of Manitoba.

MICROFILM 6 reels  $1398.00

Lille Norge avisen
Apr. 1944-Feb. 1945//
Toronto, Royal Norwegian Air Force Training Centre.
Rare, beautifully illustrated, "Little Norway" periodical.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00



Poles in Canada
Toronto. Semiannual (to 1942), annual.
Includes some text in Polish.
Continued by Canadians All.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

 Canadians All
Autumn 1943-Summer/Autumn 1946//
Continues Poles in Canada.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

 Kronika Tygodniowa
v. 1-51; Feb. 22, 1941-Jan. 27, 1990//
Toronto, weekly.
In Polish.
Continues Glos pracy, 1932-40.
Organ of the Polish Democratic Association in Canada, the main organization of the Polish Canadian left.

MICROFILM 51 reels  $11,833.00



v. 1- Nov. 6, 1941-June 1998//
Toronto, semiweekly, weekly (since 1967).
"The only Canadian newspaper in the Russian language."
Official organ of the Federation of Russian Canadians.
Supersedes Kanadsky Gudok, Winnipeg, 1931-40.


1941-60  19 reels   $4660.00

Back run: 1971-98

[Back run: 1961-70 avail. from
Library of Congress]

1971-98 28 reels  $6,824.00



Nov. 1, 1931-Sept. 19, 1936//
In Serbo-Croatian and English.
Continued by Pravda and Slobodna Misao.

On film May 1932 -Sept 1936.

MICROFILM 3 reels  $749.00

v. 1-4; Jan. 6, 1937-1940//
Toronto, Serbian Pub. Assoc.
"List srpskog radnog naroda u Kanadi."
In Serbian.
English title varies: Truth, Justice
Continues Borba. Continued by Srpski Glasnik.
On microfilm: Jan. 6, 1937-Aug. 14, 1940.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

 Srpski Glasnik
May 10? 1941-June 10, 1948//
Montreal; Toronto. Weekly, semiweekly.
"Nezavisno glasilo kanadskih Srba."
Organ of the Federation of Canadian Serbs (Savez Kanadski Srba).
Text in Serbian and English. Merged with Edinost (Toronto) and Novosti (Montreal) to form Jedinstvo.
Includes reports and donors' lists of the Canadian Free Yugoslavia Fund and the Council of Canadian South Slavs to Aid Free Yugoslavia

MICROFILM 4 reels  $932.00


Slovák v Kanade
Oct. 7, 1933-Aug. 11, 1938
Montreal, weekly.
"The only Slovak newspaper in Canada. . .it reaches every Slovak colony in Eastern and Western Canada."
Published 1933?-1939. Some issues missing--includes all extant.
Continued as Slovenské Bratstvo.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00


Slovenské Bratstvo
Nov. 17, 1939-Aug. 7, 1942//
Montreal, weekly.
"An organ of Slovaks in Canada."
Some issues missing--includes all extant.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00



The Mercury
v. 1-2, no. 18; Sept. 7, 1936-Feb. 25, 1938//
"The only Syrian-Lebanese newspaper in Canada."

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00



v. 1, no. 1-16; Jan. 1, 1920-Oct. 16, 1920//
"Organ of the Ukrainian working people."
Rare Ukrainian exile paper.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

Nova Doba
v. 1-2, no. 13; Mar. 6, 1920-Oct. 22, 1921//
"Organ of the Ukrainian Communist Party in Exile."

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

 Association of United Ukrainian Canadians
Zvit i rezoliutsii z'izdu.
v. 1-16; 1920-37//
Winnipeg, annual (biannual, 1933-37).
An indispensable source for the study of the Ukrainian left in Canada.

MICROFILM 1 reel  $253.00

 Ukrainian Canadian
v. 1-44; Sept. 1, 1947-Nov./Dec. 1991//
English-language organ of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians. Merged with Zhyttia i Slovo (Life and Word) to form Ukrainian Canadian Herald (Ukrainsko Kanads'kyi Visnyk).

MICROFILM 34 reels  $8222.00

Zhyttia i Slovo/Life and Word
v. 1-27; Nov. 3, 1965-Dec. 9, 1991//
Toronto, weekly.
Ukrainian-language organ of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, the principal organization of the Ukrainian-Canadian left. Formed by the union of Ukraïns'ke slovo (Winnipeg) and Ukraïns'ke zhyttia (Toronto).
Merged with Ukrainian Canadian to form Ukrainian Canadian Herald (Ukrainsko-kanads'kyi visnyk).

MICROFILM 26 reels  $6258.00


Ukraïnsko-Kanads'kyi visnyk/Ukrainian Canadian Herald
v. 1- Jan. 6, 1992-
Toronto, monthly (varies).
In Ukrainian and English.
Formed by the merger of Ukrainian Canadian and Zhyttia i slovo/Life and word (see above).

Back run: 1992-98  7 reels   $1781.00